gepubliceerd op 08 januari 2019

Bureau voor Normalisatie Registratie van Belgische normen 1. Overeenkomstig artikel 26 van het koninklijk besluit van 25 oktober 2004 betreffende de bekrachtiging en de registratie van de door het Bureau voor normalisatie openbaar gemaa(...) NBN EN 10164:2018 Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surfa(...)

federale overheidsdienst economie, k.m.o., middenstand en energie
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Bureau voor Normalisatie (NBN) Registratie van Belgische normen 1. Overeenkomstig artikel 26 van het koninklijk besluit van 25 oktober 2004Relevante gevonden documenten type koninklijk besluit prom. 25/10/2004 pub. 09/11/2004 numac 2004011453 bron federale overheidsdienst economie, k.m.o., middenstand en energie Koninklijk besluit betreffende de uitvoeringsmodaliteiten van de normalisatieprogramma's evenals de bekrachtiging of registratie van normen type koninklijk besluit prom. 25/10/2004 pub. 10/11/2004 numac 2004014235 bron federale overheidsdienst mobiliteit en vervoer Koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 13 september 1998 houdende havenstaatcontrole en wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 20 juli 1973 houdende zeevaartinspectiereglement en van het koninklijk besluit van 1 december 1999 inzake de registratie van de opvarenden van passagiersschepen sluiten betreffende de bekrachtiging en de registratie van de door het Bureau voor normalisatie openbaar gemaakte normen, kondigt dit Bureau de registratie aan van de hierna volgende Belgische normen: NBN EN 10164:2018 Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product - Technical delivery conditions vervangt NBN EN 10164:2005 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 1149-5:2018 Protective clothing - Electrostatic properties - Part 5: Material performance and design requirements vervangt NBN EN 1149-5:2008 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 12012-1:2018 Plastics and rubber machines - Size reduction machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for blade granulators and shredders vervangt NBN EN 12012-1+A1:2008 (2e uitgave), NBN EN 12012-3+A1:2008 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 12516-1:2014+A1:2018 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 1: Tabulation method for steel valve shells vervangt NBN EN 12516-1:2014 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 12516-4:2014+A1:2018 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 4: Calculation method for valve shells manufactured in metallic materials other than steel vervangt NBN EN 12516-4:2014 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 12726:2018 Packaging - Cork mouth finish with a bore diameter of 18,5 mm for corks and tamper evident capsules vervangt NBN EN 12726:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 12733:2018 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Pedestrian controlled motor mowers - Safety vervangt NBN EN 12733+A1:2009 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 13200-3:2018 Spectator facilities - Part 3: Separating elements - Requirements vervangt NBN EN 13200-3:2006 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 13445-5:2014/A1:2018 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and testing NBN EN 13497:2018 Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to impact of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) vervangt NBN EN 13497:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 13756:2018 Wood flooring and parquet - Terminology vervangt NBN EN 13756:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 1400:2013+A2:2018 Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children - Safety requirements and test methods vervangt NBN EN 1400+A1:2014 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 14055:2018 WC and urinal flushing cisterns vervangt NBN EN 14055+A1:2015 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 16436-1:2014+A2:2018 Rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and assemblies for use with propane and butane and their mixtures in the vapour phase - Part 1: Hoses and tubings vervangt NBN EN 16436-1:2014+A1:2015 NBN EN 16603-31-02:2018 Space engineering - Two-phase heat transport equipment vervangt NBN EN 16603-31-02:2015 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 16603-60-21:2018 Space engineering - Gyros terminology and performance specification NBN EN 16770:2018 Safety of woodworking machines - Chip and dust extraction systems for indoor installation - Safety requirements NBN EN 17101:2018 Thermal insulation products for buildings - Methods of identification and test methods for one-component PU adhesive foam for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) NBN EN 1992-4:2018 Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in concrete NBN EN 2878:2018 Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self-locking, air resistant, sealing, floating, two lug, with counterbore, in alloy steel, cadmium plated, MoS2 lubricated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/ 235 ° C NBN EN 2880:2018 Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self-locking, fuel resistant, sealing, floating, two lug, with counterbore, in alloy steel, cadmium plated, MoS2 lubricated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 120 ° C NBN EN 301549:2018 Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services NBN EN 302 454:2018 Meteorological Aids (Met Aids) - Radiosondes to be used in the 1 668,4 MHz to 1 690 MHz frequency range - Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum NBN EN 303 423:2018 Environmental Engineering (EE) - Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of networked standby power consumption of Interconnecting equipment - Harmonised Standard covering the measurement method for EC Regulation 1275/2008 amended by EU Regulation 801/2013 NBN EN 305 200-2-2:2018 Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM) - Energy management - Operational infrastructures - Global KPIs - Part 2: Specific requirements - Sub-part 2: Fixed broadband access networks NBN EN 319 522-1:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 1: Framework and Architecture NBN EN 319 522-2:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 2: Semantic contents NBN EN 319 522-3:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 3: Formats NBN EN 319 522-4-1:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 4: Bindings - Sub-part 1: Message delivery bindings NBN EN 319 522-4-2:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 4: Bindings - Sub-part 2: Evidence and identification bindings NBN EN 319 522-4-3:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Electronic Registered Delivery Services - Part 4: Bindings - Sub-part 3: Capability/requirements bindings NBN EN 319 532-1:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Registered Electronic Mail (REM) Services - Part 1: Framework and architecture NBN EN 319 532-2:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Registered Electronic Mail (REM) Services - Part 2: Semantic contents NBN EN 319 532-3:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Registered Electronic Mail (REM) Services - Part 3: Formats NBN EN 319 532-4:2018 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI) - Registered Electronic Mail (REM) Services - Part 4: Interoperability profiles NBN EN 50131-2-10:2018 Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-10: Intrusion detectors - Lock state contacts (magnetic) NBN EN 50556:2018 Road traffic signal systems NBN EN 560:2018 Gas welding equipment - Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes vervangt NBN EN 560:2005 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 60079-1:2014/AC:2018-09 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d" NBN EN 60079-18:2015/AC:2018-09 Explosive atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m" NBN EN 60137:2017/AC:2018-08 Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V NBN EN 60204-1:2018 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements NBN EN 60205:2017/AC:2018-09 Calculation of the effective parameters of magnetic piece parts NBN EN 60335-2-15:2016/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids NBN EN 60335-2-28:2003/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for sewing machines NBN EN 60335-2-29:2004/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers NBN EN 60335-2-55:2003/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-55: Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds NBN EN 60335-2-59:2003/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers NBN EN 60335-2-74:2003/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable immersion heaters NBN EN 60335-2-85:2003/A11:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-85: Particular requirements for fabric steamers NBN EN 60404-2:1998/A1:2008/AC:2018-08 Magnetic materials - Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame NBN EN 60507:2014/AC:2018-09 Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage ceramic and glass insulators to be used on a.c. systems NBN EN 60705:2015/A2:2018 Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuring performance NBN EN 60811-501:2012/A1:2018 Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 501: Mechanical tests - Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing compounds NBN EN 60939-3:2015/AC:2018-08 Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 3: Passive filter units for which safety tests are appropriate NBN EN 61850-6:2010/A1:2018 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility automation systems related to IEDs NBN EN 62153-4-7:2016/A1:2018 Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of transfer impedance ZT and screening attenuation as or coupling attenuation aC of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz - Triaxial tube in tube method NBN EN 62351-3:2014/A1:2018 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 3: Communication network and system security - Profiles including TCP/IP NBN EN 62386-101:2014/A1:2018 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 101: General requirements - System components NBN EN 62586-2:2017/AC:2018-09 Power quality measurement in power supply systems - Part 2: Functional tests and uncertainty requirements NBN EN 62676-3:2015/AC:2018-08 Video surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 3: Analog and digital video interfaces NBN EN IEC 60695-6-2:2018 Fire hazard testing - Part 6-2: Smoke obscuration - Summary and relevance of test methods NBN EN IEC 60974-1:2018 Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources NBN EN IEC 61189-2-630:2018 Test methods for electrical materials, printed board and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 2-630: Test methods for materials for interconnection structures - Moisture absorption after pressure vessel conditioning NBN EN IEC 61204-3:2018 Low-voltage switch mode power supplies - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) NBN EN IEC 61290-4-4:2018 Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 4-4: Gain transient parameters - Single channel optical amplifiers with gain control NBN EN IEC 61788-23:2018 Superconductivity - Part 23: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb superconductors NBN EN IEC 61800-3:2018 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods NBN EN IEC 62040-2:2018 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements NBN EN IEC 62386-221:2018 Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 221: Particular requirements for control gear - Demand Response (device type 20) NBN EN IEC 62442-1:2018 Energy performance of lamp controlgear - Part 1: Controlgear for fluorescent lamps - Method of measurement to determine the total input power of controlgear circuits and the efficiency of the controlgear NBN EN IEC 62442-2:2018 Energy performance of lamp controlgear - Part 2: Controlgear for high intensity discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Method of measurement to determine the efficiency of controlgear NBN EN IEC 62477-2:2018 Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 2: Power electronic converters from 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC up to 36 kV AC or 54 kV DC NBN EN IEC 62822-1:2018 Electric welding equipment - Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) - Part 1: Product family standard NBN EN IEC 62853:2018 Open systems dependability NBN EN IEC 63093-5:2018 Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 5: EP-cores and associated parts for use in inductors and transformers NBN EN IEC 63093-6:2018 Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 6: ETD-cores for use in power supplies NBN EN IEC 63093-8:2018 Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 8: E-cores NBN EN ISO 10650:2018 Dentistry - Powered polymerization activators (ISO 10650:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 10650:2015 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 10683:2018 Fasteners - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coating systems (ISO 10683:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 10683:2014 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 10750:2018 Footwear - Test method for slide fasteners - Attachment strength of end stops (ISO 10750:2015) NBN EN ISO 11124-1:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: General introduction and classification (ISO 11124-1:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11124-1:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11124-2:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 2: Chilled-iron grit (ISO 11124-2:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11124-2:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11124-4:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Low-carbon cast-steel shot (ISO 11124-4:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11124-4:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11125-2:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution (ISO 11125-2:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11125-2:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11125-3:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 3: Determination of hardness (ISO 11125-3:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11125-3:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11125-4:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Determination of apparent density (ISO 11125-4:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11125-4:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11125-5:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 5: Determination of percentage defective particles and of microstructure (ISO 11125-5:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11125-5:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11125-6:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 6: Determination of foreign matter (ISO 11125-6:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11125-6:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-1:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: General introduction and classification (ISO 11126-1:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-1:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-3:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 3: Copper refinery slag (ISO 11126-3:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-3:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-4:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Coal furnace slag (ISO 11126-4:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-4:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-6:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 6: Iron and steel slags (ISO 11126-6:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-6:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-7:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 7: Fused aluminium oxide (ISO 11126-7:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-7:1999 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11126-8:2018 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 8: Olivine (ISO 11126-8:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11126-8:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11139:2018 Sterilization of health care products - Vocabulary of terms used in sterilization and related equipment and process standards (ISO 11139:2018) NBN EN ISO 11192:2018 Small craft - Graphical symbols (ISO 11192:2005) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11192:2006 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11547:2018 Small craft - Start-in-gear protection (ISO 11547:1994) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11547:1996 (1e uitgave), NBN EN ISO 11547/A1:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11640:2018 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing (ISO 11640:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11640:2013 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11699-2:2018 Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic films - Part 2: Control of film processing by means of reference values (ISO 11699-2:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11699-2:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 11812:2018 Small craft - Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits (ISO 11812:2001) vervangt NBN EN ISO 11812:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-2:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 2: Materials: Core materials for sandwich construction, embedded materials (ISO 12215-2:2002) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-2:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-3:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials (ISO 12215-3:2002) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-3:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-4:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing (ISO 12215-4:2002) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-4:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-5:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 5: Design pressures for monohulls, design stresses, scantlings determination (ISO 12215-5:2008, including Amd 1:2014) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-5:2008 (1e uitgave), NBN EN ISO 12215-5/A1:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-6:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 6: Structural arrangements and details (ISO 12215-6:2008) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-6:2008 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-8:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 8: Rudders (ISO 12215-8:2009, including Cor 1:2010) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-8:2009 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12215-9:2018 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 9: Sailing craft appendages (ISO 12215-9:2012) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12215-9:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 12216:2018 Small craft - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors - Strength and watertightness requirements (ISO 12216:2002) vervangt NBN EN ISO 12216:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 13056:2018 Plastics piping systems - Pressure systems for hot and cold water - Test method for leaktightness under vacuum (ISO 13056:2011) vervangt NBN EN 12294:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 13297:2018 Small craft - Electrical systems - Alternating current installations (ISO 13297:2014) vervangt NBN EN ISO 13297:2015 (3e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 13590:2018 Small craft - Personal watercraft - Construction and system installation requirements (ISO 13590:2003) vervangt NBN EN ISO 13590:2004 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 14034:2018 Environmental management - Environmental technology verification (ETV) (ISO 14034:2016) NBN EN ISO 14052:2018 Environmental management - Material flow cost accounting - Guidance for practical implementation in a supply chain (ISO 14052:2017) NBN EN ISO 14067:2018 Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification (ISO 14067:2018) NBN EN ISO 14509-1:2018 Small craft - Airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft - Part 1: Pass-by measurement procedures (ISO 14509-1:2008) vervangt NBN EN ISO 14509-1:2008 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 14509-3:2018 Small craft - Airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft - Part 3: Sound assessment using calculation and measurement procedures (ISO 14509-3:2009) vervangt NBN EN ISO 14509-3:2009 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 14852:2018 Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide (ISO 14852:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 14852:2004 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 15083:2018 Small craft - Bilge-pumping systems (ISO 15083:2003) vervangt NBN EN ISO 15083:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 15084:2018 Small craft - Anchoring, mooring and towing - Strong points (ISO 15084:2003) vervangt NBN EN ISO 15084:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 16180:2018 Small craft - Navigation lights - Installation, placement and visibility (ISO 16180:2013) vervangt NBN EN ISO 16180:2013 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 17480:2018 Packaging - Accessible design - Ease of opening (ISO 17480:2015) NBN EN ISO 18275:2018 Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels - Classification (ISO 18275:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 18275:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 18314-1:2018 Analytical colorimetry - Part 1: Practical colour measurement (ISO 18314-1:2015) NBN EN ISO 18314-2:2018 Analytical colorimetry - Part 2: Saunderson correction, solutions of the Kubelka-Munk equation, tinting strength, hiding power (ISO 18314-2:2015) NBN EN ISO 18314-3:2018 Analytical colorimetry - Part 3: Special indices (ISO 18314-3:2015) NBN EN ISO 18363-2:2018 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of fatty-acid-bound chloropropanediols (MCPDs) and glycidol by GC/MS - Part 2: Method using slow alkaline transesterification and measurement for 2-MCPD, 3-MCPD and glycidol (ISO 18363-2:2018) NBN EN ISO 18472:2018 Sterilization of health care products - Biological and chemical indicators - Test equipment (ISO 18472:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 18472:2006 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 18541-5:2018 Road vehicles - Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) - Part 5: Heavy duty specific provision (ISO 18541-5:2018) NBN EN ISO 19136-2:2018 Geographic information - Geography Markup Language (GML) - Part 2: Extended schemas and encoding rules (ISO 19136-2:2015) NBN EN ISO 19232-5:2018 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness and basic spatial resolution value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-5:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 19232-5:2013 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 19258:2018 Soil quality - Guidance on the determination of background values (ISO 19258:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 19258:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 19892:2018 Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water - Test method for the resistance of joints to pressure cycling (ISO 19892:2011) vervangt NBN EN 12295:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 19893:2018 Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water - Test method for the resistance of mounted assemblies to temperature cycling (ISO 19893:2011) vervangt NBN EN 12293:1999 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 20378:2018 Welding consumables - Rods for gas welding of non-alloy and creep-resisting steels - Classification (ISO 20378:2017) vervangt NBN EN 12536:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 20700:2018 Guidelines for management consultancy services (ISO 20700:2017) vervangt NBN EN 16114:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 20749:2018 Dentistry - Pre-capsulated dental amalgam (ISO 20749:2017) vervangt NBN EN ISO 24234:2015 (3e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 20765-1:2018 Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications (ISO 20765-1:2005) NBN EN ISO 20765-2:2018 Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 2: Single-phase properties (gas, liquid, and dense fluid) for extended ranges of application (ISO 20765-2:2015) NBN EN ISO 2085:2018 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Check for continuity of thin anodic oxidation coatings - Copper sulfate test (ISO 2085:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 2085:2010 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 21043-1:2018 Forensic Sciences - Part 1: Terms and definitions (ISO 21043-1:2018) NBN EN ISO 21487:2018 Small craft - Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks (ISO 21487:2012, including Amd 1:2014 and Amd 2:2015) vervangt NBN EN ISO 21487:2013 (2e uitgave), NBN EN ISO 21487/A1:2015 (1e uitgave), NBN EN ISO 21487:2012/A2:2016 NBN EN ISO 21970-1:2018 Plastics - Polyketone (PK) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO 21970-1:2018) NBN EN ISO 22315:2018 Societal security - Mass evacuation - Guidelines for planning (ISO 22315:2014) NBN EN ISO 22397:2018 Societal security - Guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements (ISO 22397:2014) NBN EN ISO 22477-5:2018 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 5: Testing of grouted anchors (ISO 22477-5:2018) NBN EN ISO 23874:2018 Natural gas - Gas chromatographic requirements for hydrocarbon dewpoint calculation (ISO 23874:2006) NBN EN ISO 23900-4:2018 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 4: Determination of colouristic properties and ease of dispersion of white pigments in polyethylene by two-roll milling (ISO 23900-4:2015) vervangt NBN EN 13900-4:2004 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 23900-5:2018 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 5: Determination by filter pressure value test (ISO 23900-5:2015) vervangt NBN EN 13900-5:2005 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 23900-6:2018 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 6: Determination by film test (ISO 23900-6:2015) vervangt NBN EN 13900-6:2012 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 2401:2018 Welding consumables - Covered electrodes - Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient (ISO 2401:2018) vervangt NBN EN 22401:1995 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 24134:2018 Industrial trucks - Additional requirements for automated functions on trucks (ISO 24134:2006) vervangt NBN EN 1526+A1:2008 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 24373:2018 Welding consumables - Solid wires and rods for fusion welding of copper and copper alloys - Classification (ISO 24373:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 24373:2009 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 25197:2018 Small craft - Electrical/electronic control systems for steering, shift and throttle (ISO 25197:2012, including Amd 1:2014) vervangt NBN EN ISO 25197:2013 (1e uitgave), NBN EN ISO 25197/A1:2015 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 28057:2018 Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations in radiotherapy (ISO 28057:2014) NBN EN ISO 2812-5:2018 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 5: Temperature-gradient oven method (ISO 2812-5:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 2812-5:2007 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 3690:2018 Welding and allied processes - Determination of hydrogen content in arc weld metal (ISO 3690:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 3690:2012 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 4042:2018 Fasteners - Electroplated coating systems (ISO 4042:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 4042:1999 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6185-1:2018 Inflatable boats - Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW (ISO 6185-1:2001) vervangt NBN EN ISO 6185-1:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6185-2:2018 Inflatable boats - Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW to 15 kW inclusive (ISO 6185-2:2001) vervangt NBN EN ISO 6185-2:2002 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6185-3:2018 Inflatable boats - Part 3: Boats with a hull length less than 8 m with a motor rating of 15 kW and greater (ISO 6185-3:2014) vervangt NBN EN ISO 6185-3:2014 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6185-4:2018 Inflatable boats - Part 4: Boats with a hull length of between 8 m and 24 m with a motor power rating of 15 kW and greater (ISO 6185-4:2011, Corrected version 2014-08-01) vervangt NBN EN ISO 6185-4:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6581:2018 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings (ISO 6581:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 6581:2010 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 6888-1:1999/A2:2018 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium - Amendment 2: Inclusion of an alternative confirmation procedure (ISO 6888-1:1999/Amd 2:2018) NBN EN ISO 7539-6:2018 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion testing - Part 6: Preparation and use of precracked specimens for tests under constant load or constant displacement (ISO 7539-6:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 7539-6:2011 (3e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 7840:2018 Small craft - Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840:2013) vervangt NBN EN ISO 7840:2013 (3e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 8249:2018 Welding - Determination of Ferrite Number (FN) in austenitic and duplex ferritic-austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steel weld metals (ISO 8249:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8249:2000 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 8251:2018 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Measurement of abrasion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings (ISO 8251:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8251:2011 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 8384:2018 Ships and marine technology - Dredgers - Vocabulary (ISO 8384:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8384:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 8469:2018 Small craft - Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469:2013) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8469:2013 (3e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 8666:2018 Small craft - Principal data (ISO 8666:2016) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8666:2016 NBN EN ISO 8849:2018 Small craft - Electrically operated direct-current bilge pumps (ISO 8849:2003) vervangt NBN EN ISO 8849:2003 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 9093-1:2018 Small craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings - Part 1: Metallic (ISO 9093-1:1994) vervangt NBN EN ISO 9093-1:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 9093-2:2018 Small craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings - Part 2: Non-metallic (ISO 9093-2:2002) vervangt NBN EN ISO 9093-2:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 9241-306:2018 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 306: Field assessment methods for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241-306:2018) vervangt NBN EN ISO 9241-306:2009 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 10001:2018 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations (ISO 10001:2018) vervangt NBN ISO 10001:2014 (1e uitgave), NBN ISO 10001 NL:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 10002:2018 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations (ISO 10002:2018) vervangt NBN ISO 10002:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 10003:2018 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations (ISO 10003:2018) vervangt NBN ISO 10003:2014 (1e uitgave), NBN ISO 10003 NL:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 10004:2018 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring (ISO 10004:2018) vervangt NBN ISO 10004:2014 (1e uitgave), NBN ISO 10004 NL:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 10005:2018 Quality management - Guidelines for quality plans (ISO 10005:2018) vervangt NBN ISO 10005:2014 (1e uitgave) 2. De normen afgeleid van de Europese normen (EN) zijn in principe beschikbaar in het Engels, het Frans en het Duits;de normen afgeleid van de internationale normen (ISO) zijn in principe beschikbaar in het Engels en in het Frans. 3. Deze normen zijn verkrijgbaar bij het Bureau voor normalisatie, Jozef II-straat 40 bus 6, 1000 Brussel, tegen betaling van hun prijs. 4. De registratie van de volgende Belgische normen wordt ingetrokken: NBN EN 50200:2007 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 50281-2-1:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 50342-1/A1:2012 (8e uitgave) NBN EN 50342-1:2006 (8e uitgave) NBN EN 60598-2-5:1998 (3e uitgave) NBN EN 60601-2-51:2004 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 60789:2006 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 60862-1:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61174:2009 (3e uitgave) NBN EN 61340-2-1:2003 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61675-2/A1:2005 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61675-2:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61675-3:1998 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61800-7-202:2008 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 61938:2013 (2e uitgave) NBN EN 62317-13:2008 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 62683:2013 (1e uitgave) NBN EN 672:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 13850 NL:2013 (2e uitgave) NBN EN ISO 14004 NL:2014 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 12694:1997 (1e uitgave) NBN ENV 13998:2001 (1e uitgave) NBN ISO 6242-3:1992 (1e uitgave)

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